Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, originating in the lower part of the spine as a combination of several nerves in the lumbar region. The nerve branches from the spine to the left and right buttocks and then travels down the back of the legs, about mid-thighs, to the feet. Do these 7 stretches and relieve sciatica pain effectively.


By definition, sciatica is tenderness and pain that radiates throughout the sciatic nerve, usually appearing on one side of the body. There are two sciatic nerves, one for each leg. These are the nerves that have the longest extension in the human body, that is, the longest. Each comes from some nerve roots that come from your spinal cord, then pass through your sacrum and fuse to form the main body of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve passes between the layers of the deep muscles of the buttocks (gluteus medius and gluteus maximus), through the deep muscles of the back of the thigh, and up the outer edge of the leg to the foot.

What other symptoms causes sciatica pain

  • Pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve path: in the lower back, buttocks, back of the thigh, and calf.
  • Fatigue, numbness, or loss of feeling in the legs and feet.
  • An electrical, tingling, burning, pinching, or pins and needles feeling known as paresthesia.
  • Weakness that can cause your knees to buckle when you stand.
  • Foot Drop – A condition where you can’t flex your ankles enough to step on your heels.
  • Reduced reflexes in your Achilles tendon and knee.

Most common causes of sciatica

Lumbar Herniated Disc: Sometimes referred to as a ruptured disc, slipped disc, bulging disc, bulging disc, or a pinched nerve.

Degenerative disc disease: This condition occurs when a weakened disc produces excessive micro-drive at that spinal level and inflammatory proteins within the disc are exposed and irritate the area.

Ischemic spondylolisthesis: when a vertebral body slides forward over the one below it due to a small fracture in a piece of bone that connects the two joints at the back of the spinal segment.

Lumbar spinal stenosis – characterized by narrowing of the spinal canal.

Piriformis syndrome: when the piriformis muscle is tight and pinches a nerve root of the sciatic nerve.

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction: caused by irritation of the sacroiliac joint.

Pregnancy: Weight gain, a change in the person’s center of gravity, and hormonal changes as a result of pregnancy can cause sciatica.

Scar tissue: This occurs when scar tissue compresses the nerve root.

Muscle tension: when an inflammation of a muscular tension puts pressure on the root of a nerve.

Spinal tumor – Tumors in the lower back can pinch the nerve root

Find the root cause of your sciatica pain

Nobody’s body or symptoms are exactly the same. You will need to work with a trained professional, such as a physical therapist or osteopath, to discover the root cause of your sciatic pain and which movements are right for your body.

To get an idea for yourself, you can also do the FAIR test (in which the thigh is flexed, adducted and internally rotated):

Lie on your side with the affected leg on top. Does your hip hurt having your upper leg bent with your knee resting on the floor in front of you? Does it hurt especially when you try to lift your knee off the floor with a small amount of resistance, like a bag of rice? Sharp hip pain is a sign that a tight piriformis may be causing sciatica.

Stretches to significantly relieve sciatica

Hamstring stretches and hip openers play an important role in relieving sciatica pain. Here are some yoga poses for you to incorporate into your daily routine to help calm your sciatica.

  1. Smiling cow face variation.
  2. Medium posture of the lord of the fish.
  3. Stretch or sleeping pigeon pose.
  4. Reclined twist.
  5. Supported bridge pose.
  6. Lizard pose.
  7. Bound Angle Pose.


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