People often their health take “for granted”, including freedom of movement, until they become limited. However, people who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis and similar problems, know how to appreciate moments of freedom and the absence of pain.

There are natural recipes that can alleviate these concerns and without chemicals harmful effects


Turmeric and ginger have strong anti-inflammatory properties and greatly assist in rheumatic and osteoarthritis arthritis.

It is necessary:

2 cups water
½ teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon ground turmeric
–  honey as desired

Put the water to boil, then add the ginger and turmeric, reduce the heat and leave to cook for another 10-15 minutes. When almost cool, add honey as desired and enjoy this beverage twice a day.



Extremely rich in vitamins A and C, the leaves of dandelion can help repair the damaged tissue and clean the toxins from the body.

It is necessary:

3 tablespoons fresh dandelion leaves or 1 tablespoon dried
1 cup water

Put the water to boil so add dandelion leaves. After 5 minutes, strain and drink twice daily.


Once upon a time before the existence of aspirin, folk medicine has used the bark of white willow.

It is necessary:

2 tablespoons finely chopped or milled bark of white willow
1 cup water
– Honey or lemon as desired

Put the water to boil, then reduce the fire and add the bark of the white willow and leave to cook for another 10 to 15 minutes. Then remove from the fire and leave a covered stand for 30 minutes.

Add honey and lemon juice as desired.

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