We all eat lemons or juice them, but the key to getting all their benefits is to actually freeze them. Yes, frozen lemons work best for your health, and can even treat serious diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

What many people don’t know is that the highest concentration of nutrients is within the peel of lemons.

We usually throw out the peel when we consume lemons, which is a big mistake as the peel is just as beneficial as the fruit itself. In order to get all the vitamins and minerals from the citrus fruit, we need to consume the peel as well.

Lemons are rich in a variety of nutrients such as vitamins A, B6, C and E, as well as iron, zinc, potassium, fiber and protein.

Besides these nutrients, they also contain flavonoids and limonoids which can strengthen your cells, fight free radicals in the body and prevent certain diseases.

According to studies, the nutrients in the tropical fruit can fight various tumors, prevent the development of diabetes, regulate your blood sugar levels and blood pressure and even promote weight loss.

The citric acid in lemons can fight various germs, while many people use lemons to whiten their skin. According to studies, lemons contain more than 22 cancer-fighting compounds including vitamin C, glycosides, pectin and limonene.

Freezing lemons is the best way of getting all of their benefits
Take a few lemons and wash them well, then dry them completely before putting them in a Ziploc bag and freezing them for a few hours.

Once they’re rock solid, you can grate the fruit in your drinks and smoothies for a nice flavor and even more health benefits.

Just cut off the ends of a lemon to get a better grip on them, grate them in whatever you’re having, then put the rest of the lemons back in the freezer.

Besides flavoring your meals and drinks, grated lemon zest will provide your body with a host of nutrients and prevent a variety of diseases.

Source: https://alternativehealthuniverse.com

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