When someone mentions boric acid (BA), many people think about harmful chemicals, but the truth is that this boron-derived substance can cure all types of fungus. It is a primary ingredient in many different efficient and inexpensive home remedies used for treating fungal infections like vaginal yeast infections or athlete’s foot infection. But, this is not where the list of health benefits of using boric acid stops.

Are you dealing with recurring eye irritations? Homemade eyewash based on boric acid (BA) can serve as cleanser that can combat infections and irritations in this area. This eyewash delivers easing relief fast and on top of that aids the elimination of contaminants located in the eye.

Many people are unaware that boric acid is used as a pest repellent at homes too. Homeowners have relied on BA as cockroach repellent for more than one hundred years.

What is great about boric acid is the fact that it is not very toxic to animals and humans compared to standard pesticides.

Some of those pesticides have been associated with cancer, ADHD and other serious health issues. In addition, using boric acid comes with few other benefits.

Boric Acid – Benefits

As previously mentioned, it is used as a household item and a remedy. The following is a list of some of the benefits of using boric acid.

1. Yeast Infections

Is it true that BA can help women treat and eliminate vaginal yeast infection? The answer is YES. There are experts who recommend specially designed vaginal boric acid capsules to fight vaginal yeast infections especially infections that cannot be removed with pharmaceutical drugs.

When it comes to yeast infections, BA is usually utilized as solid preparation that should be placed in the vagina before bedtime for a period of 10 to 15 days. The rate of success of this method goes up to 70% and this information was confirmed by the CDC.

A scientific study conducted not while ago and revealed in the popular Diabetes Care journal has shown that boric acid vaginal medications were much more efficient compared to oral azole drugs at least when it comes to candida signs and symptoms in women suffering from diabetes.

2. Cockroach Eliminator

Unfortunately, cockroaches can appear literally everywhere – in homes, offices, shops, restaurants, factories etc. These insects are not only ugly and creepy, but they can also bring many serious problems in every environment and jeopardize the health of people who live or work in the same area where they live.

Roaches attract germs on the legs and they can spread these germs in food and other objects that people put in their mouth. It is not unusual for these bugs to spread salmonella or Escherichia coli.

What is even worse is that their dead skin cells, saliva and feces were associated with allergy and asthma attacks because they come with strong allergens that result in these reactions which are more common in kids.

Luckily, we can always rely on BA when we want to eliminate cockroaches. These persistent hideous bugs die even after walking in areas sprinkled with boric acid. Once they step on it, the powder stick to their body and penetrate their internal structure. A very small amount can make them stay away from your home while a higher amount can kill them almost instantly.

3. Eyewash

If you want to make inexpensive and highly efficient eyewash you should use boric acid diluted in water. It doesn’t really matter whether you are dealing with some mild eye irritation or you have some serious infection, eyewash based on boric acid can eliminate the issue by easing the symptoms of inflammation and eliminating bacterial infections.

If you are skeptical about this, you should know that some of the best commercial eyewashes contain boric acid in high amounts. In order to ease the symptoms of such irritations and infections, prepare a boric acid mouthwash at home.

4. Acne

There are many people who use boric acid when they notice acne. As a matter of fact, many products used for external treatment of acne and other skin disorders and problems include boric acid.

Boric acid has strong antibacterial properties and as you know acne is formed as a result of the presence of bacteria. So, logically, BA can aid the elimination of bacteria and remove acne. But, we must point out that using boric acid comes with certain side effects like skin irritation in some cases.

There are many countries around the globe that have banned boric acid in cosmetic products. The EGW labels this acid as an acid that is linked to certain health issues.

5. Athlete’s Foot

As previously mentioned, boric acid can be very helpful in cases of fungal infections including toenail fungus and athlete’s foot. Only a small amount of boric acid (a few sprinkles) powder in the stockings or socks can aid the elimination of minor infections and soothe the burning and itching sensation caused by athlete’s foot.

In addition, BA can remove the unpleasant foot smell that comes as a result of athlete’s foot.

But, how exactly BA heals athlete’s foot? Boric acid alters the pH value of the skin and aids the removal of dead skin cells (exfoliation) and these dead skin cells make the fungus thrive. Boric acid is a very powerful fungicide and even if commercial antifungal creams and lotions can’t help, it is very likely that BA will help.

6. Cleaner

BA is often used as a strong house cleaning product, stain eliminator, deodorizer, mold eliminator and disinfectant. Feel free to pour some boric acid to the laundry if you want to thoroughly clean the laundry and remove stains. Many people use it to scrape and clean toilet bowls. Just pour some boric acid and wait for half an hour before you start cleaning.

What Exactly Is Boric Acid?

Boric acid comes in the form of white powder obtained from water and boron and had strong antibiotic properties that are very helpful in cases of bacterial and fungal infections. According to the Women’s Health Journal, BA is safe, inexpensive and alternative solution for women that experience frequent and chronic symptoms and signs of vaginal yeast infection.

Even if the standard treatment is ineffective, boric acid can help.

Boric acid or BA or H3BO3 is a white acid in crystalline form that includes oxygen and it is part of boron. On the other hand, this element is part of specific volcanic waters, hot springs and minerals. Many people call it boracic acid, hydrogen borate, acidum boricum and orthoboric acid.

More than 65 years ago, BA was registered in the United States as a regular insecticide used for repelling and eliminating termites, cockroaches, fire ants, silverfish, fleas and other bugs. Besides being an efficient insecticide, boric acid also protects the timber from dry and wet rot and eliminates the consequences in case this process has already started.

BA is added to salt for treating calf skins, cattle hides and sheepskins. The BA is there to manage bacteria and insects development. In agriculture, boric acid is used to prevent and eliminate lack of boron in plants.

BA is commonly found in products and activities like:

  • Glazes and enamels
  • Astringents and antiseptics
  • Medically treated powders
  • Manufacturing of glass fiber
  • Certain paints
  • Skin lotions
  • Chemicals used in photography
  • Certain ant and rodent pesticides
  • Certain eyewash products
  • Powders for cockroach elimination

Using Boric Acid

When we talk about yeast infections, you can prepare boric acid solid medical preparations by adding BA to regular size zero gelatin capsules. In other words, you will fill them with 600 mg of BA The conventional treatment of yeast infection with BA requires the use of BA packed capsule inserted directly in the vagina before you go to sleep in a period of seven days.

In case yeast infections are recurring, you must extend the treatment to 15 days. After that, you should use the capsules two times a week for half a year.

In order to prepare eyewash based on boric acid, you must buy pharma grade boric acid powder. To start with, take one eyedropper or eye cup and sterilize it. After that, create a mixture by adding 1/8 teaspoon of BA in one standard cup of cool, filtered water.

The acid should be able to dissolve right away. In case you are using an eye cup, just fill this cup and put the eye inside. Roll and blink for a few times. Those who will use an eyedropper should squeeze the bulb located on the dropper. Perform this procedure for a few times. Do this, three times a day. The tools must be sterilized all the time.

In cases of athlete’s foot, create a mixture of rubbing alcohol and boric acid. Two teaspoons of BA must be added to one cup of water or rubbing alcohol. Use cotton swabs to apply it on the affected area. In addition, you can sprinkle some dry powder in the socks to prevent or heal this infection.

If you want to eliminate cockroaches and other similar pests, you must use boric acid in a proper way. Cockroaches usually dwell and operate in the kitchens and bathrooms even though it is not unusual to witness cockroach infestation in other parts of the home. Roaches usually choose cracks in the walls, isolated areas and crevices that are close to food sources. They also prefer areas that are warm and areas with high levels of moisture.

So, if you want to witness the best effects, BA powder must be placed in the form of extremely thin layer in the areas where cockroaches are active. Some good examples of areas where cockroaches dwell are behind and in front of the fridge, dishwasher and stove, the places where plumbing pipes exit the walls and in cracks found in corners and edges inside pantries, shelves and cabinets.

Once you use this powder, try to isolate these areas and make your kids and pets stay away from them. Even though BA is much safer compared to chemical pesticides, this compound is toxic.

Those interested in stain and odor removal from their clothes should use half a cup of boric acid to the laundry load. In addition, you should feel free to use the same amount of this acid in the toilet blow and leave it for half an hour. BA will eliminate stains and on top of that it will neutralize the odor.

Simple Boric Acid Recipes

Experts agree that the most efficient and useful boric acid recipes are the recipes focused on treating two health issues – athlete’s foot and yeast infection. They are fungal infections that affect hundreds of people, but BA will make them go away for a long time.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Boric Acid Recipe

  • Size zero gelatin capsules
  • 600 mg of BA.
  • Place one capsule filled with boric acid inside the vagina before you go to bed. Practice this procedure for seven days in a row.

Athlete’s Foot Boric Acid Recipe

  • One cup of rubbing alcohol (you can also use water)
  • Two teaspoons of BA.
  • Take all the ingredients, mix them well and apply the mixture on the feet with the help of cotton swabs.
  • In addition, you can use dry boric acid powder in the socks.

Boric Acid Safety Measures

BA should not be used orally, directly on open wounds or by kids. Taking BA orally can be lethal. In case you swallow boric acid, visit a hospital right away.

It is wise to keep BA in a safe location where children can’t reach it. In the past many babies have died as a result of boric acid intake because it was used as a disinfectant in hospitals.

If boric acid is used for yeast infections in the form of capsules, it is not unusual to experience skin irritation. Boric acid should not be used in any form and way if the woman is pregnant.

If you are using contact lenses, you should not use BA eye wash. Wait for about 15-20 minutes after you use BA before you put back your lenses. In case you have open wound close to your eyes or in your eyes don’t use BA. Consult a doctor in case you have such wounds.

In addition, you should consult a doctor if you notice any problems with your vision, eye pain, prolonged redness and eye irritation after applying boric acid.

You should never use it on kitchen countertops and other similar surfaces used for food preparation. In case boric acid sticks to the skin, wash the affected area carefully. If your eyes get in touch with pure boric acid, use cool water to wash them thoroughly.

Finally, in case you consume boric acid by accident, look for medical help right away.

Boric Acid Conclusion

If BA is used in a proper and safe way, it can be useful for:

  • Fungal infections (Athlete’s foot)
  • Vaginal yeast infection
  • Eye infections
  • Eye irritations
  • Skin problems (acne)
  • Indoor cleaning product
  • House pest repellent.

Studies have confirmed that BA is a very powerful antifungal agent and eliminator of household pests. This is an all-around item that should be found in every home.

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