Diabetes often develops slowly due to a mix of genetic predisposition and lifestyle choices. When lifestyle adjustments are implemented, and diagnosis occurs early, the condition may not lead to fatality. Recognizing the early warning signs is crucial, particularly for individuals with a family history of diabetes.

Here are seven signs to watch for:

Persistent Fatigue:
Even after getting enough sleep, feeling exhausted all the time may be a sign of elevated or unstable blood sugar. You may feel even more exhausted after consuming starchy or sugary foods.

Issues with Vision
Diabetic eye disease can cause visual impairment due to damage to the small blood vessels in the eyes. While this symptom may fluctuate, if blood sugar is not properly managed, it can lead to permanent damage or blindness.

Regular Urination
Blood sugar levels that are too high can strain the kidneys, increasing urination and frequently interfering with sleep.

Overindulgence in thirst
Regardless of changes in the weather, amount of water consumed, or physical activity, increased urination can result in dehydration and unusual thirst.

Wounds Heal Slowly
Diabetes can cause cuts and wounds to heal more slowly, which raises the possibility of complications like diabetic foot ulcers.

Sensations That Tingle
Diabetes-related neuropathy, which is characterised by tingling or pain in the extremities, can be brought on by high blood sugar.

Patches of Dark Skin
Diabetes frequently results in acanthosis nigricans, which is characterised by dark, velvety skin patches in body folds.

See a doctor if you have multiple symptoms, particularly if you have a family history of high blood sugar. Results can be considerably improved with early management.

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