Sore throat is the main problem we have in this period of the year. Many people try to put up with the pain even though sometimes it takes too long to cure a sore throat.

There are many natural recipes, maybe most of those you have tried showed no effect, but still we recommend you try this homemade recipe before you go to the closest pharmacy.

Put 2 or 3 potatoes in 1liter of water and boil it. After the water boils, add a handful of mixed dried herbs, and you can add some more, depending on the variety of herbs you have (sage, chamomile, linden), add few drops of eucalyptus essential oil or any other you have.

Cover your head with a towel and bend over the steam right after you start feeling the aroma of the boiling mixture. Inhale for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day.

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