The super benefit of this remedy is that it works on all types of hair, and with regular usage, the hair gets alive if it is depleted and lasts longer.

The sole component in the mask is yeast, which is combined with a small amount of water.

The yeast contains vitamin B which does wonders for the health of your hair. You must thus prepare the mask in order to witness a rapid improvement following the subsequent wash.

6 tablespoons of boiling milk or water, if you want, and 2 teaspoons of yeast are all you need.

Stir until the mixture is uniform, then set it aside for 30 minutes.

Massage the roots after massaging the scalp with the mask.

After 30 minutes, wash it with soft shampoo and warm water.

Within few minutes, the yeast will begin to solidify, but don’t get alarmed—it is simple to wash.

The initial effects will become apparent after 3–4 weeks of treatment, though the procedure can be performed 1-2 times each week.

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