New research suggests that eating a handful of nuts every day can permanently protect against heart disease, which is why so many people from all over the world include them in their diets.

Nuts or eating walnut oil have been found to help improve the elasticity of blood vessels within four hours and improve cholesterol levels.

Research also indicates that eating walnuts can protect one from cardiovascular disease. According to Dr. Benny Chris Etterton, professor of nutrition at Penn State University, eating walnuts or taking walnut oil can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease if eaten four days a week.

In just four hours, one can improve the condition of the blood vessels if one chooses to take three tablespoons of walnut oil. When it comes to endothelial cell integrity, walnut oil has proven to be particularly good. The best thing of all is that it is very easy to achieve, so you have nothing to lose if you want to test it.

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