Outside of the hospital, up to half of all heart attacks occur, and early detection can mean the difference between life and death. Pay attention to the warning signs to save your life.

More than half of Americans are not aware of warning signs that could save their lives. According to the CDC, 92 percent of those who had a heart attack experienced chest discomfort as an early symptom, but only 27 percent of those people recognized it as a risk and dialed 9-1-1.


In 2008, one in every four Americans died from heart disease, and the risk is too great to ignore!


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has identified some risk factors for heart attacks that should be addressed. Several factors, including smoking and high blood pressure, can contribute to a heart attack. Risk factors include being overweight, eating a poor diet, being physically inactive, drinking too much alcohol, and having diabetes.


But what are your alternatives? Keep an eye out for the six early symptoms listed below.

The warning signs could warn you of a potential heart attack up to a month in advance.


  • Breathlessness

The heart and lungs have a close relationship. As a result, if the heart is working hard, the lungs are unable to get enough oxygen. As a result, you may experience difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.


  • Fatigue

When the arteries begin to close, the heart must work harder to maintain normal functions. As a result, even the simplest tasks can leave you exhausted for no apparent reason. This can be seen when you constantly want to sleep longer, have difficulty waking up in the mornings, or need to take frequent naps throughout the day to keep going.


  • Dizziness

This occurs when your heart’s ability to provide adequate oxygen to your blood is compromised. It has the effect of making you feel woozy. If you ever experience unexplained dizziness, see a doctor right away.


  • Chest Aches and Pains

This sign is not associated with all cases. It is quite common for female heart attack victims to experience no pain or discomfort in the chest while suffering from a heart attack.


If you’re experiencing chest pain while exercising or relaxing, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention. Keep an eye out for the following types of chest discomfort:


  • Pressure on or in the chest
  • Pinching
  • Burning sensation

If you’re unsure, it’s better to be safe than sorry. The sooner you consult with a doctor, the better.


  • Swelling

When your heart is having difficulty pumping blood, you may experience bloating. Pay special attention to your legs, ankles, and feet. There may also be peripheral cyanosis, or a blue tinge in the lips.


  • Coughing Constantly

It is not the short-lived cough you get when you’re fighting a respiratory bug or when you walk into an overly dusty room. This is a persistent cough that persists even when there are no other symptoms of illness. Keep an eye out for any mucus that appears white or pink. It is possible that the accumulation of blood in the lungs, as well as the mucus caused by blood leakage, can cause a cough.


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