There is a permanent solution to the biggest obstacle for women – body hair …

They say that this type of hair removal used and many vip person
Free you can permanently remove all the body hair. This is an old Russian recipe that many ladies helped get rid of unwanted hair. When you start using this product, your hair will become thinner, and over time will disappear.

Some women have stronger hair growth on the face, so this is the perfect solution because shaving just thickens and makes them grow faster.

Depilation required to wait for hair to grow up and act. The ingredients you need some walnut shells (do not think about green bark when they are young, but hard shell when harvested for food) and water.

For the Peeling must be completely dry, turn them to baked and even burn. In the ash add a little water as necessary, to obtain a creamy texture like paste. Leave to stand for 12 hours.

Apply the mixture on the body part you want to remove hair. Allow to stand as you have time (best half an hour), and then wash. Repeat treatment three times a day until the first results appear, then continue once a day until the hair completely not stop growing.

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