Magnesium is a mineral that is used by all of our body’s organs, but particularly by the kidneys, muscles, and the heart,

This mineral deficiency can result in muscular spasms, abnormal heart rhythms, visual abnormalities, and inexplicable weakness and weariness.

You cannot tell if you are deficient in magnesium with a blood test. Since the blood contains just 1% magnesium. The mineral is utilized for crucial biological processes and is stored in your bones and organs.

You might not be aware of having a magnesium shortage. As a result, the shortage in magnesium is frequently referred to as an unseen deficit.

Important facts about magnesium:

  • Approximately 80% of individuals, according to data, are magnesium deficient.
  • Only around 25% of adults, according to other experts, get the necessary dosage every day.
  • Men should consume 400 to 420 mg per day, compared to 310 to 320 mg for women.
  • Magnesium has an underrated function in human health and illness.
  • Magnesium is a component of 300 distinct enzymes in the body. It contributes to the body’s detoxification process as well.
  • Magnesium aids in reducing the risk of harm from toxins, chemicals found in the environment, and heavy metals.


The following 19 signs show magnesium deficiency:

  • Asthma
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Migraine
  • Caries
  • Diabetes
  • Blood clots
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hepatic disease
  • Musculoskeletal concerns ( fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, spasms)
  • Fatigue
  • Kidney disease
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Cystitis
  • Hypertension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Nerve problems
  • Insomnia
  • gynecology (PMS, pre-eclampsia, infertility) and obesity

Weakness, exhaustion, appetite loss, nausea, and headaches are the initial symptoms of magnesium shortage.

Serious signs of chronic magnesium insufficiency include:

  • Muscle spasms
  • coronary cramps
  • Tingling
  • Seizures
  • irregular heartbeats

The possibility of a deficit cannot be completely eliminated by the magnesium supplement. Vitamins D3, vitamin K2, and calcium should be taken together with magnesium.

Guidelines for raising magnesium levels

Every day, you can have 2-4 glasses of green vegetable juice

This drink will provide you with magnesium.

Because organic food is cultivated in nutrient-rich soil, it contains more magnesium.

N/B: There is no supplement that contains only magnesium.

Epsom salt baths, which are basically magnesium sulfate and could be taken into the body via the skin, can help you increase your magnesium levels. Taking magnesium supplements is also an option.

What you utilize is entirely up to you. But stay away from supplements that include magnesium stearate in them. Magnesium stearate is an extremely popular but hazardous chemical.


You decide what you want to use. However, avoid additives that contain magnesium stearate. Magnesium stearate is a very common but indeed dangerous additive.




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