These simple ingredients can be found in any local pharmacy. This folk remedy will rejuvenate your bones.

The remedy can be prepared easily and you will only need three ingredients.

So, if your legs feel heavy, if you are experiencing joint pain or back pain, and if you are feeling the side effects of some old injury, you don’t need creams and gels.

Iodine is a substance that kills bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, and some people believe that it can cure bladder infection.

This natural remedy aids the healing arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, joint pain, bone pain and muscle pain. This remedy will make your bones 20 years younger.

Needed ingredients:

  • 150 milliliters alcohol
  • 50 milliliters iodine
  • 5 300 milligrams aspirin tablets


1. Mix the alcohol and iodine, and then add the smashed aspirins.
2. Mix well in a glass container, close the container and leave it in a dark place for 21 days.
3. When the 21 days pass, you can use the remedy.


Use the remedy to make compresses or massage the painful spot with the remedy.

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