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If you are trying to choose the best products that support the function of thyroid gland, you need to limit your intake of foods rich in goitrogen in favor of foods that help the function of the thyroid gland.

It is food especially rich in vitamin B and iron, fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, seaweed, lean meat, fish, beans, olive oil and vegetable oil. Foods rich in B vitamins support the function of thyroid gland.

This kind of food includes liver, turkey, beef, Brazil nuts, potatoes, lentils, black beans and kefir. Fresh vegetables rich in iron are also beneficial for the function of thyroid gland.

These vegetables include beets and parsley. Whole grains are also beneficial for the thyroid gland, i.e. lentils, brown rice, barley, millet, popcorn, wild rice, oats and wheatmeal. Dr. Edward Bauman from the University of Natural Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico recommends consuming seaweed.

Thyroid problems are often caused by free radicals. On the other hand, foods rich in antioxidants protect us, i.e. the production of thyroid hormone — important for many body functions.

Having a healthy thyroid gland means consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, tomatoes, cherries, zucchini and peppers. But broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, rapeseed, kale, turnips, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts may have goitrogenic effect.

Even though these plants are considered to be healthy in many other respects, they contain certain ingredients that could potentially impede the function of thyroid gland.

If you consume this food in large quantities, it can even reduce the absorption of thyroid hormone. However, if you consume these foods cooked, steam cooked if possible, and not raw, goitrogenic effect decreases or even disappears. Lean meat, coldwater sea fish, flax and beans provide protein and help maintaining the health of thyroid gland.

Organic foods are especially good choice because these products do not contain certain steroids and hormones that can reduce natural production of thyroid hormones.

Omega — 3 fatty acids are important for the thyroid gland. Tuna and salmon are good sources when it comes to sea fish, rather than fish grown in ponds. In fact, fish fed with seaweed is a better source of omega — 3 fatty acids.

Flaxseed helps the function of thyroid gland (grind it in a coffee grinder and put it in your yoghurt, salads and soups). If you add flaxseed in cooked dishes, add it after you cook your meal, not before.

According to the advice coming from the University of Maryland, choosing healthy cooking oil is essential for the thyroid gland. Olive oil and coconut oil are good choices.

If you already have a problem with the thyroid gland, before you choose any of these foods, consult your doctor or specialist.

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