When we have more than one fungus on our bodies, then we say that we have fungi. We can have them in different parts of our bodies. In the most cases this kind of infection can be treated with medicines or home remedies. But people who have weak immune system or people who suffer from diabetes, HIV/AIDS, people who use chemotherapy or who take steroids or people who had organ transplantation are having increased risk of getting fungal infection.

If you suffer from some of the mentioned diseases, then you must talk with your doctor as soon as possible because when you have fungal infections plus the mentioned diseases, then they can last all your life. If you have cured of this infection and after some period you notice that you have fungal infection again, then this can mean that you have serious underlying disease such as diabetes or HIV/AIDS. If you notice that you have recurring fungal infection or vaginal yeast infection, then you must visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Types of fungal infections

These are the most common types of fungal infections:

  • Candida: This is yeast which is similar to the fungus. When you are affected by this infection, then the moist and soft areas around body openings or the area around the nails are having Candida. The diaper rash in your baby can be one form of this infection which means that you need to visit your doctor. In the mouth of babies often are found the white patches. If you are older girl or woman, then you can get a Candida in or around your vagina. This kind of infection is known as yeast infection.
  • Jock itch: When you have this kind of fungal infection, then you have it on the upper thighs and groin. People think that just boys and men get this kind of fungal infection but you should know that women can get it too.
  • Athlete’s foot: When you have this kind of fungal infection, then it is usually appearing between your toes. But also this kind of infection can affect the sides and bottom of your feet.
  • Pityriasis versicolor: This is kind of rash which is caused by the fungus that lives on our skin. This kind of infection is most common in teenagers and it can appear on their back, chest and shoulders.
  • Tinea: This kind of fungal infection can appear on our nails, hair and skin. When there is a small red size of a pea on our skin is in the begging of this type of fungal infection in our skin. When this kind of infection is spreading, then you can notice ring or circle on your skin. This kind of infection (in this stage) is known as ringworm. This name comes from the look of tiny worms under your skin but they are not worms, they are infection. As we have said previously this kind ofinfection lives in different parts of our bodies and from those parts they get the name. Body ringworm can affect the skin areas of your body and the scalp ringworm is affecting your head.

Symptoms of fungal infections

There are different symptoms of the fungal infections which depend from the area of the body in which we have this infection, from severity and type of infection and from the individual factors.

Here are some symptoms of the specific type of fungal infection:

  1. Symptoms of fungal infections that affect digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and esophagus (difficulty swallowing)
  2. Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the vagina: vaginal itching, thick and white vaginal discharge that has a texture similar to cottage cheese, burning with urination, vaginal irritation
  3. Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the mouth: sore and bleeding gums, patches or lesions that become raw, sore and painful making it difficult to swallow or eat, lesions or sores that are raised, are yellow – white in color and appear in patches in the mouth or throat and/or on the tongue
  4. Symptoms of ringworm: hair loss in the affected area, red, itchy area on the scalp, often in the shape of ring
  5. Symptoms of athlete’s foot: scaling and flaking of the skin of the feet, itching of the feet
  6. Symptoms of jock itch: red, scaly rash in the groin area, itching of the groin area
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