Weight Loss:

• Being overweight is harmful to one’s self esteem
• It is also a health concern since it leads to many serious ailments including:
o Diabetes
o High blood pressure


• Some people overeat when they are:
o Depressed
o Bored
o Angry
o In a relaxed environment
• Incorrect lifestyle
• Improper diet
• Lack of exercise
• Hypothyroidism

Natural home remedy using black pepper powder, lemon juice and honey:

1. Take 1 glass lukewarm water
2. Add 1 tsp black pepper powder
3. Add 4 tbsp lemon juice
4. Add 1 tsp honey
5. Mix well
6. Drink every day

Natural home remedy using lemon juice and honey:

1. Take 1 glass hot water
2. Add 4 tbsp lemon juice
3. Add 1 tbsp honey
4. Drink every morning on empty stomach


• Exercise regularly
• Cabbage is very effective in burning body fat. Consume 1 bowl of cabbage everyday

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