Epidermoid cysts are quite common. They don’t often indicate medical treatment since they’re painless, but sometimes people don’t have any other choice due to complications such as infections and concerns such as appearance.

Of course, there are medical ways to deal with epidermoid cysts but there are also several natural and harmless ways to get rid of these nasty cysts.

Home Remedies for Epidermoid Cyst Removal:


Milk proves to be a fabulous remedy for epidermoid cysts. Just put a regular tea bag in some milk and treat the cyst overnight. If you repeat this process, you will likely be glad to see that the cyst has become smaller. This will also heal it much faster.


Make a paste of honey, banana, and wheatgrass. Apply this to the affected area overnight and cover it. If you repeat this on a regular basis, the cysts will recover faster.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar consists of acetic acid. This acid is fabulous for fighting bacteria and infections. Apply the infected area with apple vinegar cider and repeat the same process for one week. This will drain the cysts and allow new skin to grow.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt proves to be great in reducing inflammation. Soak in a tub with a lot of Epsom salt. The salt will ease the pain and soothe the swelling of the cyst.

Aloe Vera

You can apply Aloe Vera directly on the infected area or you can even drink this extremely healthy juice.

Dandelion And Viola

A mixture of dandelion and viola can work wonders for these nasty cysts. Blend 1 tablespoon of these two herbs, cover them with boiled water and leave for about 45 minutes. Consume this tea 4 times a day for 10 days. You can also apply this tea directly on the infected areas.

Castor Oil

Put some castor oil on the cysts and cover them with a very hot cloth or a bag filled with hot water. In the morning, you will notice the cysts are much smaller.

There’s no doubt that epidermoid cysts are unpleasant but they’re quite common. In some cases, these cysts cause infection, pain or if they rupture, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, there are no objective causes for alarm.

Check out our other article on natural treatments on how to get rid of skin tags.

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