This is an old recipe from Germany, that strengthens immunity, protects against high cholesterol, effectively cleanses the liver and prevents the formation of kidney stones. The recipe is extremely simple and the effect is incredible.


● 4 lemons
● ginger about 1 inch long or two teaspoons of grated ginger
● Three to four large heads of garlic
● 2 cups of water


Wash the lemons well and cut them into small pieces. Peel the garlic and put it in a blender along with lemons and ginger. Blend until a thick paste is obtained, and then tranfer it to a pan and add two cups of water. Boil the mixture into the pan and stir constantly. When boiling, allow to cool, then squeeze and put the liquid in a glass jar.


Drink one cup of this mixture every morning before breakfast, and then a cup after each meal. You can repeat this procedure for three weeks, with a break of one week after each week.

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