For parents, head lice are among the things they fear most. These microscopic parasites feed on human blood and are difficult to detect, making them a problem to eradicate.

Sadly, it requires your kid to use someone else’s hairbrush or sleep on someone else’s pillow to transmit these nasty little parasites. The whole family will have it at the end of the night when they return to the house and use the family hairbrush and relax in the family room.

It’s hard to get rid of the bugs, even though they’re not deadly. Additionally, they cause your scalp to become swollen and irritated. We’ve provided a home treatment for getting rid of them that’s quick and easy.

You’ll need the following:

  • Bug Comb
  • Listerine mouthwash
  • White vinegar
  • Some Towels
  • Plastic bag or shower cap

Rinse your child’s scalp with mouthwash. The entire hair should be completely submerged in the solution before rinsing. Cover the head with a plastic bag or shower cap and let the mouthwash on for at least an hour. You can remove the cap or bag and use vinegar to wash your child’s hair. For a further 60 minutes, replace the cover. Remove the cap once again, and then shampoo the hair. Using a lice comb, go through the hair and remove any lice eggs that may still be in the hair.

It works because the spearmint fragrance of Listerine repulses lice. Keep Listerine in a spray bottle to prevent re-infestation and use it to mist your child’s hair daily. Additionally, you’ll need to boil the bedding of anyone with lice.

Lice are very irritating to live with and quite challenging to get rid of. Even though these parasites do not transmit harmful diseases, they should be removed from your home immediately. Using pricey store-bought lice shampoos sometimes needs many applications before the infestation is totally eradicated. The remedy above is practical and uses what you already have at home.

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