Eggs are associated with several nutritional benefits and they are a common breakfast snack. It doesn’t matter if you like them poached or scrambled, you are not alone when it comes to the love for eggs. Below we are covering some of the benefits you get when you eat eggs.

1. Your Brain Becomes Health
Eggs have an important neurotransmitter known as Choline – which helps improve one’s cognitive health. Also, they have a compound known as folate that enhances the brain’s performance and cares for the body’s nerve cells.

2. Development of Strong Bones
The Vitamin D which is found in eggs helps in calcium assimilation. Bone solidity is also enhanced by the phosphorus and calcium found in eggs.

3. Helps Maintain Body Weight
Consuming eggs helps one gain muscles. One becomes full by eating eggs and prevents overeating and in the process maintains body weight.

4. Promotes health Hair and Nails
Eggs have several amino acids that are rich in sulfur. The amino acids are behind the beauty and strength of your hair as well as healthy nails. All that is possible when the amino acids combine with minerals like selenium, zinc and iron.

5. Enhance one’s Eyesight
Good vision is enhanced by carotenoids known as zeaxanthin and Lutein- which are found in eggs. They protect eyes against harmful ultraviolet rays and prevent muscular degeneration and keep away cataracts.

6. Offer Protection Against Breast Cancer
People who consume 6 eggs on a weekly basis lower chances of getting breast cancer by 44 percent.

7. Easy to Digest
Whether taken poached or boiled, they are easy to digest. Through that, the immunity of the body improves.

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