Why you have to keep in mind to cleanse your kidneys?

The kidneys are responsible for many important functions in your body such as purification of toxins, fluid balance, creation of urine and other.

The kidneys process the blood, discarding the waste products and excess fluid in the urine. If these toxins are not eliminated in time, they are broken down in the body and cause kidney stones and high blood pressure. So, cleansing the kidneys is a very important process.

You can get all the vitamins and minerals needed to your body through a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables improve the kidneys functions.

Important note – Those who suffer from kidney disorders should avoid certain foods, such as foods with low levels of potassium or phosphorus. They must follow the instructions of their doctor.

Love Your Kidneys – Cleanse Your Kidneys

Foods to Cleanse Your Kidneys

1. Water is the best choice for the proper kidney functions. It is important you stay hydrated, especially if you exercise or are exposed to hot weather. So, drink water.

If you have a kidney disease, you do not need to supplement liquids, because damaged kidneys due to impaired function will not be able to get rid of excess fluid. Depending on the stage of the disease and treatment, you need a limited consumption of fluids. Consult your doctor.

2. Watermelon contains a lot of water and acts as a diuretic. It increases the urine and speeds up the process of your body detoxification.

3. Lemon juice. Every morning drink a cup of warm lemon water. This will reduce the risk of forming kidney stones. Instead of lemon, you can use apple cider vinegar.

4. Berries are rich in antioxidants. They release the uric acid from the kidneys. Cranberries and blueberries are the best choice of all berries, because they contain a substance that discards urea and uric acid from the kidneys. This includes red grapes.

5. Apples are rich in antioxidants and fiber. They have anti-inflammatory properties that improve the kidneys function.

6. Pumpkin seeds are excellent for the kidneys as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They reduce the risk of kidney stones.

7. Ginger contains antioxidants useful for the kidney function. It acts as a blood purifier. You can try this Anti-Inflammatory Ginger Turmeric Tea.

8. Turmeric is a cure for many diseases because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps prevent and treat inflammation of the kidneys or kidney infections. Taste this Amazing Turmeric Golden Milk.

9. Dandelion Leaves are the best natural diuretics. They strengthen the kidneys, often stimulate urination and soothe irritations in the urinary system. They are prepared as a fresh or dried refreshing tea.

10. Nettle plant excellent to treat urinary tract infections. It has a diuretic effect, releasing the water through the kidneys and bladder. Thereby it discards the bacteria from the body. It is especially good for your blood because of high concentration of iron. Make a tea from fresh or dried nettles.

11. Parsley is the best herb that washes all the toxins from the kidneys, preventing urinary tract and kidneys infections. You can use it as a spice in salads, but the best – as a tea.

12. Marshmallow root is also a diuretic. It treats infections of urinary tract, bladder and kidney stones. It is a safe herb, but you should not take it a few hours after taking the medicines, because it inhibits their absorption.

13. Juniper berries increases the urination. They treat kidney stones and urinary or bladder infections. It is not used to treat the kidneys inflammation.

Important note – You should not use it continuously or during pregnancy (no more than 4 weeks of therapy).

14. Yarrow is a diuretic that releases the body toxins. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and performs two functions simultaneously:

  • Diuretic action increases the flow of urine.
  • Antiseptic feature helps in fighting bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

15. Red clover is another diuretic herb that releases the toxins and excess fluids from the kidneys.

More Tips to Cleanse Your Kidneys

Smoking, alcohol and caffeine burden the kidneys. They have to work hard to eject a large amount of toxins accumulated in the body. It is a strong reason to cleanse your kidneys.

Salt is a mineral mainly composed of sodium chloride. Using of high amounts of salt can increase blood pressure and damages kidneys and the heart.

Maintain a proper weight – being overweight increases blood pressure, which is bad for your kidneys. Watch your weight and cleanse your kidneys.

High blood pressure increases the risk of kidney problems. Blood pressure should always be at normal levels, correlated with blood sugar levels and cholesterol.

Thanks to Healthy And Natural World for this great information for the best foods and herbs to cleanse your kidneys.

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