Natural herbs have been used for centuries to heal aches and pains and many other maladies the body endures. But there’s one herb that heals a lot and you probably have it in your kitchen.

Thyme has been popular for centuries, and it has been commonly used to treat various ailments, from flu to epileptic seizures.

During the middle ages, people mixed thyme with lavender in equal amounts and sprinkled on the floors of churches to get rid of any unwanted odors. Moreover, it has also been used to heal wounds and prevent infections, and it was applied crushed on the affected areas.

Its volatile essential oils are high in antiviral, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, anti-parasitic, and anti-fungal properties.

Its regular use will lower the viral load in the body, so it is excellent in the case of lupus, tinnitus, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, vertigo, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and rheumatoid arthritis. All you need to do to treat these conditions is to drink thyme tea every morning.

Thyme is high in vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, and calcium, all of which are extremely beneficial for proper red blood cell formation, blood pressure regulation, and distribution of antioxidants in the body. It is also abundant in folic acid, B-complex vitamins, vitamin A, and C.

It also contains various bioflavonoids and volatile oils, including thymol, an essential oil with potent antioxidant properties.

Furthermore, it has powerful cancer preventive properties, as it is rich in terpenoids such as rosmarinic and ursolic acids. Studies have shown that the regular intake of thyme raises the amount of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid) in the kidney, brain, and heart cell membranes.

The essential oils in thyme have strong expectorant and bronchial antispasmodic properties and are thus excellent in the treatment and prevention of:




throat infections

acute and chronic bronchitis

sore throats


inflammation of the mouth



stomach ache


whooping cough

How to make thyme oil – fill a glass bottle half way up with thyme leaves and then fill the rest of the bottle with olive oil. Place in the sun for 14 days and then strain the oil. Discard the leaves and place the oil in a dark cabinet.

Uses for the thyme oil are many. The oil is used to help with memory and concentration. It is used also for brain fog, migraines, lung ailments and bronchitis, as a cough syrup and to remove mucous from the lungs.

How to make thyme tea – Boil a pot of water and then add the leaves of the plant. Let the tea sit for an additional two minutes before drinking.

Uses for the thyme tea include an old home remedy for respiratory passages, which uses the plantain. Make a tea using equal amounts of thyme and plantain, with the juice of a half of a lemon and some sugar. This natural remedy is good for bronchial asthma, whooping cough and phlegm in the lungs. This tea should be used four or five times a day. If the patient has pneumonia, then the tea should be sipped every hour.

Drinking of thyme tea is also recommended for alcoholism. The alcoholic is given one tablespoon every 15 minutes. The tea causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, increased urine and much perspiration. The appetite is increased and the patient becomes very thirsty. It is evident that this procedure should be done several times, as relapse is inevitable in the beginning. For people with epilepsy, two cups of tea should be drunk daily. This tea should be drunk for 2-3 weeks; then, one should wait for ten days to two weeks and then begin the protocol again.

How to make the tincture – Fill a bottle loosely with herbs which were picked in the midday. Add in some whiskey or vodka and then placed in the sun for fourteen days.

Uses for the tincture include the strengthening of limbs of children who are weak, especially those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.

How to store and use thyme:

The fresh thyme is the best and should always be chosen over the dried for its superiority in flavor. The leaves should be green gray in color. The thyme leaves should be free of blemishes and yellowing. As with any dried herb, there are organic leaves and then there are some that are of very low quality. So choose your spices carefully from well respected sources.

To keep fresh herbs the longest, place them in a lightly sprayed paper towel. Then seal them in a plastic Ziploc bag and store in the refrigerator. It is very important to remove the air from the Ziploc bag before closing, to preserve the freshness of the herbs. Dried herbs kept in glass containers can last for up to 6 months.

As with most delicate herbs, add them to the food at the end of the cooking. This is so they keep their delicate flavors in tact. Thyme should not be used by pregnant women and it will increase blood pressure, so use with caution.

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H/T Healthy Food House

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