As a starting point, you should be aware that onions are a member of the allium family of herbs and vegetables. Because of their pungent taste and therapeutic benefits, allium herbs have grown since dawn.

Also, be aware that onions come in various shapes, sizes and flavors. Red, white, and yellow onions are the most popular varieties. Depending on the season, flavors may range from juicy and sweet with a mild taste to strong, savory, and spicy.

An onion a day might cut the risk of numerous forms of cancer, improve mood, and protect the health of the hair and skin.

Eating onions has several health benefits since they are nutrient-dense vegetable that is also low in calories.

Antioxidants such as quercetin, found in high concentrations in onions, protect the body from free radical damage and help keep it healthy. Because of its cleaning properties, onion juice may be used to treat respiratory ailments.

Onions are beneficial in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of health conditions, including:

  • Vascular illnesses may be prevented or treated.
  • Osteoarthritis may be effectively treated.
  • Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level
  • Because of the sulfur and flavonoid levels, it may be beneficial for those with diabetes.

Putting Onion Power to Use

You may not have known that they have been used for thousands of years to heal various ailments. It’s true that onions contain many beneficial elements and may be used to cure or prevent a wide range of health issues!


One must know that Cherokee Indians employed this potent herb to heal youngsters experiencing colic. Slices of yellow onion are all you need to make this recipe. Drain the liquid when it has cooled. Give your baby 1 tsp of this cure every hour or so until the symptoms subside.

Decongest the lungs

Onion may also be used to clear up a runny nose. All you have to do is combine a smashed onion with a little coconut oil. To apply, make a paste and spread it on the chest. A towel and a shirt should be placed on top of it. Remove the towel and rinse it when it’s warmed up a little. You’ll be astonished by what you see!

Pain in the ear and ear infections

You only need to slice up some onion and stuff it inside a sock. Place it on the damaged region and secure it with a knot. Keep socks in place using a headband or a cap. After the discomfort subsides, please remove it.

  1. Cough

Here’s what you need to do – first, you should peel a large onion and cut in two halves. Apply one tablespoon of brown sugar on each half and leave onion to rest for an hour. After 1 hour, you should eat this remedy and proceed with the treatment twice a day to eliminate cough.

  1. Cuts

You can also use onion to treat minor cuts! Here’s what you need to do – you should use the transparent skin that every onion has! You can use it to stop bleeding instantly. Also, you will get antiseptic benefits and protect the skin from harm.

  1. Fever

It’s very simple – you just have to slice onion into very thin pieces. Then, you should mix them with coconut oil and use this to massage the bottom of your feet. After that, you should put some slices of onion on the feet arches and secure them with cling wrap. Put on socks and leave onion overnight. You should also know that this remedy is a great antioxidant.

  1. Air purifier

Yes, you can use onion as an air purifier! Here’s what you need to do – just put slices of onion in different house areas! This simple trick will help you cleanse the air and destroy all bacteria and viruses inside your household. You will be amazed by the results!

  1. Vomiting

Here’s what you need to do – it’s very simple! You just have to cover one yellow or white onion with cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice from it. Then, you should make a cup of peppermint tea and let it cool off. Take two teaspoons of the onion juice.After 5 minutes, take two teaspoons of the cold peppermint tea. Wait another for 5-10 minutes and sip from the onion juice again. Note: you should repeat this treatment – until the symptoms fade. And, you just need 20 minutes for the vomiting urges to go away.

You could also use onion in many different manners, including:

  • You can simply rub onion onto your skin – to prevent insect bites
  • Or, you can rub onion onto your scalp – to accelerate hair growth
  • Or, you can put onion in your clothes – and use it as a protection against moths
  • You should boil and spray some onion juice on your plants – to keep them safe from pests and bugs. You will be amazed by the results
  • Cleaning clothes iron with slices of onion to prevent rusting
  • You can also use onion slices to clean and polish glass and copper objects
  • You can use onion to get rid of freckles

Note: TheWorld Health Organization is a strong supporter in using onions in case of bronchitis, coughs, congestion, infections, colds and the flu. The Native Americans knew this for centuries and we are just beginning to learn! But, don’t worry, it is never too late to start being healthy. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You and take care!

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