Celery, a vegetable with two varieties—white and green—is under the Umbelliferae family.  It has ribs that are crispy and salty, and it may attain a height of approximately 16 inches.

Celery is a great source of fiber, as well as the vitamin A in it makes is abundant. The stems are abundant in vitamins B1, B2, B6, B2, C, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, magnesium, sodium, and several vital amino acids.

The following is found in a cup of raw celery (101 grams) that is chopped:

  • 0.2 gram fat
  • Potassium, 263 milligrams
  • 0.7 gram protein
  • Calcium, 40.4 milligrams
  • Manganese, 0.1 milligram
  • vitamin B6, 0.1 milligram
  • magnesium, 11.1 milligrams
  • 1.6 grams fiber
  • Riboflavin, 0.1 milligram
  • Folate, 36.5 micrograms
  • 16.2 calories
  • Carbohydrates, 3.5 grams
  • vitamin C, 3.1 milligrams
  • 453 international units
  • vitamin K, 29.6 micrograms

Phosphorus, zinc, Iron, selenium, vitamin E, pantothenic acid, and niacin are also included.

It’s crucial to note that celery is rich in phytonutrients, a lot of which belong to the class of phenolic antioxidants. They are normally known for their great anti-inflammatory properties.

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