Sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality may lead to these six severe health issues that you don’t want to deal with.

According to the Natural Sleep Foundation, the typical individual need seven to nine hours of sleep every night, yet most people do not receive even that much. Getting too little sleep, which is commonly defined as six or less hours each night, may be dangerous, even enough to alter your DNA.

Researchers discovered more than 700 genetic alterations after just seven nights of insufficient sleep, which might play a role in health issues such as heart disease and obesity.

There are numerous problems associated with sleep deprivation; here are six of them so that you are aware of them and take steps to address your condition.

Memory Problems

You may notice that you’re most forgetful and distracted on days when you’re most weary. Sleep aids in the refinement of memory storage, but a lack of sleep may result in long-term cognitive difficulties such as memory loss.

Heart Problems

Excessive drowsiness as a result of attempting to strike a work/life balance is common, putting our hearts at risk. According to a research, getting fewer than six hours of sleep each night leads the body to manufacture more chemicals and hormones that may contribute to heart disease. These hormones and substances have been linked to an increased risk of stroke and other illnesses including high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol and obesity.


The major reason for this is because when you sleep less, you are unable to achieve deep sleep – a state in which the body recovers and regenerates – and as a result, your body’s capacity to manage blood sugar levels is affected.


Sleep deprivation has a negative impact on not only your physical but also your mental health. One of the most prevalent adverse effects of not getting enough sleep is depression. Sleep deprivation may provide ideal circumstances for the onset of a variety of mental illnesses.

Sex desire gets reduced

According to sleep experts, sleep-deprived men and women have decreased libidos and less desire in sex. Depleted energy, tiredness, and increased stress might all be contributing factors.

Damage to the bones

The inability to repair damaged bones is also linked to the lack of enough sleep.

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