The mixture of linseed and water helps with even 7 skin problems …

Did you know that there is a home treatment, and only after 12 days you will be completely new personality! If you have a problem with wrinkles, you should try this home remedy.

The secret is in flaxseed, which with its curative property contributes to the improvement of the subcutaneous tissue, rejuvenates fat cells and returns youthful appearance in the area around the cheeks, especially in sensitive areas of the skin around the eye where the skin is most thin and tends to form wrinkles.

Place a spoon of linseed in a plate and pour it with three glass of boiling water, stir for a few minutes and then cover with a napkin and leave until the evening.

Use the water mass, in which the flax seed was standing and it has become like a gel.

Apply this solution of linseed to a cleaned face and neck. You should not worry about the area of the eye, apply it freely to this place.

When the mask is dry on your face, re-smear. This procedure is repeated five times.

The effects of linseed mask:

– It stretches facial features, tones and tightens the skin

– Reduces the wide pores

– Hydrating the skin

– Reduces excess sebum on oily skin

– Helps to prevent the formation of acne and removing pimples from the face

– It slows the formation of wrinkles and removes the lines from the face, as it has properties, that intensively slow down aging.

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